First Year Career Development Timeline

The activities listed below give an overview of Career Development programs and topics scheduled during the Fall and Spring semesters of the 1L Year. This structure is designed to provide general information, forge connections for students, and serve as the foundation for an individualized Career Development Plan.


Fall Semester

Overview of Career Services/Timeline
Networking Insights
Mentor Program Kick Off
Career Strategy Sessions
Resume and Cover Letter Draft Review

Spring Semester

Symplicity Introduction
Judicial Clerkship Information Session
Mock Interview Program
Employer Panel: Knocking it out of the Park this Summer!
Looking ahead to Summer, Fall, Employers, and Interviews
Legal Practice Areas: Coffee and Conversation

We're ready to help you get started!

Ask a question, start a conversation about a program, inquire about schedules or financing your legal education-whatever you need, we’re here for you.